Power Speed and Distance

Why is it that Pro golfers hit an iron longer than some average golfers hit a driver? The obvious answer is that they are more flexible and stronger, but they also compress the ball, and you can too.

All golfers hinge and unhinge the wrists in the golf swing. The difference is that better golfers unload over the front leg and average golfers do so over the trail leg.

To get this pro power transfer feeling we are gonna do a variation on the cross handed drill. take your orange whip (if you don’t have one stop what your doing and get one) or a long club in your lead hand and and low so there is room for your trail hand at the top (we will add it once you get the feel with the lead hand). Now just let the club hang at your side and start to hinge the club and release it out toward the target. start small and keep increasing the length and speed of this one handed swing.

Now that you have the hang of this one handed move stop and return to your start position for the drill. Without moving the club, grip the club with your trail hand above your lead hand. With the cross hand grip, start the lead hand drill and let the trail hand passively follow. you will have to pivot to get your trail hand to follow the lead hand swing without interrupting the flow of your release. Once you are able to go fluidly back and through, start to add speed with the trail hand. Continue this drill until you feel this front leg power transfer is ingrained.

With the new power transfer feeling still fresh pick up a club and hit a ball or two. You should see immediate improvements in contact and distance, but don’t be discouraged if you regress after a few bombs, this kind of swing rewiring takes time to replace the old move.

Just keep doing this drill and your swing will thank you.